
January 27, 2015

Den McCarthy

Born to Run Tralee, Co Kerry

Dec 6th 2014

Well, when we all set off for the Clonakilty Waterfront Marathon, this weekend, we knew it was going to be great,but did we imagine just how great a day it was going to be ?

Bob,Ia and all the Clon crew ,what an amazing weekend you laid on for us runners ! Your commitment,style attention to detail and all around awesomeness is something to behold.

You made us feel so welcome,provided us with perfect running weather on the lovely new route. ( Bob,where was God born?)

You gave us PB’s, amazing tech tops and fantastic medals. You gave us plenty of photographers to capture our moments of glory (especially thank you Liz Cardoso and Global Click Photography and it was lovely to meet you yesterday)

We were able to stand (and run) in the presence of true legends and witness them do their thing. What an amazing bunch of people are in the Marathon Club Ireland Pro.

None more so than Mr Jerry Forde, a true gent and super athlete who completed his 300th marathon.The joy of all who completed their race and how well they were received at the finish line was great to watch.

You fed us copious amounts of Clonakilty puddings,sausages,teas,coffees and biscuits. You gave us great music to keep us moving on our tired and blistered feet 🙂

Clon crew, you do the simple things so well,we will all be back next year. How will Dublin City Marathon organisers cope in a few years with the realisation that the Clonakilty Waterfront Marathon is the number 1 show in town.

To all my friends in Born to Run, you rock ! What a great days running with PB’s galore, plenty craic   and banter. True to form, this club demonstrated that no one gets left behind. A special well done to Tom and Conor on their B2B performances. I am so proud to be associated with such a great club and such great people.

Finally,Rick and Dick Hoyt, today was your day. We did it for you. We did it for you, to honour and recognise your wonderful achievements . I will treasure this medal.

#TeamHoyt – Yes We Can

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